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Media spotlight: Australian Manufacturing Technology

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Media spotlight: Australian Manufacturing Technology

WearOptimo’s pioneering use of Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) for health-tech is spotlighted in Australian Manufacturing Technology’s feature on the $7 million initial stage of our Advanced Manufacturing Facility (AMF).

As the story explains, its unveiling marks a major milestone along the journey to having our hydration Microwearable sensor on shelves, opening up global markets with a potential value of more than $5 billion.

As founder and CEO Professor Mark Kendall explains: “WearOptimo’s vision is to create global healthcare solutions that are accessible and affordable, and this new manufacturing capacity is central to that ambition.

“The AMF’s use of NIL will allow us to rapidly advance our Microwearable technology towards the release of on-the-shelf sensors that are scalable for widespread deployment, at a low cost per unit.”

Chief Technology Officer Dr Anthony Brewer further speaks to the unique application of NIL, which has more common industry usages such as semi-conductors, and optics and displays.

“In identifying and pioneering health-tech as a novel application for Nanoimprint Lithography, we have created a facility that is unique in the southern hemisphere,” Dr Brewer tells the news hub.

“Our pilot manufacturing line is the only installation of its kind in Australia, and likely the only one in the world dedicated specifically to health-tech.”

Read the full story here: