Key aspect of our body's healing process
Fluid management helps the body in a range of recovery situations, from heat stress to patient care
Building block for functional performance
Hydration underpins our physiology, from concentration and mental alertness to appearance and how we age
Efficient method to minimise risk
Optimal hydration lowers the risk of incidents and injuries caused by impaired cognition or physical collapse


Live healthier, work safer, compete harder

People reliant on optimal hydration

WearOptimo’s pipeline of technologies creates an opportunity to maximise physical and mental performance (hydration), or for early identification and intervention in health issues where time is of the essence. Our first device, a hydration Microwearable sensor, has significant global relevance. 

Water underpins our physiology. Hydration-related issues can have measurable impacts on our body’s cognitive and physical performance. 

For example, being less-than-optimally hydrated can have the same effect on brain function as being over the blood alcohol limit. Yet for the most part, we haven’t advanced our monitoring capabilities beyond outdated benchmarks such as the colour of your urine.

With continuous monitoring of our body’s bio-signals, however, the hydration Microwearable lets users monitor and maintain optimal hydration. This supports your peak performance and wellness if you’re an elite or recreational athlete, outdoor worker or in the security forces.

Investment opportunities with WearOptimo

Our first-to-market business and consumer offerings

Targeting applications in elite and recreational sports, along with industry sectors crying out for solutions where hydration can affect performance and worker safety

Targetting markets with global outreach

WearOptimo’s hydration Microwearable sensor has applications for any market that benefits from the monitoring and maintenance of optimal hydration. The core focus initially is on Mining, Elite Sport and Military, with a flow-through to broader markets including Resources and Outdoor Workers, Aged Care, Construction and Hospitals.


Worker safeguard

Empower worker safety and performance by maximising physical and cognitive function to reduce the risk of hydration-related incidents.


Winning edge

Enhance peak performance and wellbeing for elite and recreational athletes.


Operational readiness

­Support optimal physical and cognitive conditioning during intensive training regimes and deployment, across challenging environments.

Renal Failure
Heart Failure
Aged Care

Next-generation medical wearables

Addressing critical health challenges with a wearable medical device

Our next-generation platform will monitor key bio-signals via the skin for early warning signs of heart attack and other diseases.